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Forever Young BBL™



The photo rejuvenation treatment at Essence Of L Medi Spa uses the power of  Sciton’s BBL  (Broad Band Light) also known as IPL ( Intense Pulsed Light). The Sciton’s BBL advanced technology utilizes a unique filter system which allows for a quick treatment with varying wavelengths to create noticeable results after your first treatment. The flexibility of this light based system allows your Sciton certified laser technician to customize each and every treatment to fit your current skin care goals, time schedule, and skin type.

This laser has the ability to treat many different aesthetic skin concerns such as:

  • Brown spots
  • Sun Damage
  • Rosacea
  • Spider Veins
  • Bruising
  • Facial Flushing
  • Acne Lesions
  • Fine Lines & Wrinkles
  • Pore size reduction

Although any part of the body can be treated, most often it is the larger regions that have been exposed to prolonged sun exposure such as the hands, chest, neck, and face- usually why this treatment is referred to as a photo facial.